News Archive

2023/11/15 – Paper accepted for oral presentation @WACVW2024 („CV4Smalls“).
2023/08/18NePu (ACCV 2022) accepted @GCPR2023 (Nectar Track).
2023/05/31Annotated single pigeon data, pigeon tracking benchmark and model weights for pigeons available (I-MuPPET, GCPR 2022, oral).
2023/05/22 – Three of our papers accepted @CVPRW2023 („CV4Animals“).
2023/03/09 – Further coverage of „Neural Puppeteer“ at
2023/03/08 – The University of Konstanz and the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour reports in a press release about our latest work „Neural Puppeteer“:
2022/11/18 – Code available for „Improving Unsupervised Label Propagation for Pose Tracking and Video Object Segmentation“ at (GCPR 2022).
2022/11/17 – Check out our introduction video to NePu (ACCV 2022).
2022/10/06 – Check out our project page for „Improving Unsupervised Label Propagation for Pose Tracking and Video Object Segmentation“ (GCPR 2022).
2022/10/06 – Check out our NePu project page (ACCV 2022).
2022/09/17 – Paper accepted @ACCV2022.
2022/08/31 – I-MuPPET code available at (GCPR 2022, oral).
2022/08/16I-MuPPET –> oral presentation @GCPR2022.
2022/07/17 – Two papers accepted @GCPR2022.